4 Top Restaurant Technology Trend To Watch In 2022

Written by Geordy Murphy, Founder/CEO Fobesoft
Restaurant Technology Trends

The restaurant industry has been heavily influenced by technology for a long time now. 2020 may have been the restaurant's great technological awakening, but it was also just the tip of the iceberg in terms of how tech will transform the industry. New technologies have the potential to improve and disrupt the functioning of the restaurant industry.

Automation technology has allowed the restaurant industry to become more efficient across the board. Online ordering, contactless payment, kitchen display systems, and QR codes on menus are all examples of this.

In the future, restaurateurs will continue to employ various technological tools and methods. In this article, we'll take a look at the restaurant technology trends that are likely to have an impact on how restaurants operate in the future. Let's take a closer look at the restaurant tech trends to watch in 2022.

Restaurant Technology Trends to Watch in 2022

Many technological advances will allow the restaurant industry to reach new heights and increase its profits in the coming years. People are coming up with new ways to make money and improve customer satisfaction. While the overall concept of a restaurant - serving or delivering food to customers - may remain the same, the way which restaurants carry out their operations is likely to change. Here are the top 4 restaurant technology trends to watch in 2022.

1. Contactless payment systems

One of the most popular trends in today's market is the use of contactless payment systems. During the COVID-19 pandemic, they gained even more popularity, similar to QR codes. Contactless payments are the fastest way to pay in the real world.

No matter how big or small their establishment, restaurants everywhere are jumping on board with this popular trend. It's predicted that by 2024, the global market for contactless payments will grow from $2 trillion to $6 trillion. As there's no need for physical contact, it's more hygienic and safer, and it happens instantly. It's also more effective in terms of cash flow.

2. Self-service kiosks

Self-service kiosks are already in use at several large retailers, and more are expected to be installed by 2022. This technology increases the speed of order delivery and significantly reduces the waiting time. These kiosks are well integrated with software systems to provide centralized data monitoring. Most fast-food restaurants use this type ofkioskbecause of the convenience it provides to customers who want to order and have their food delivered quickly.

This new technology allows staff to spend more time on food preparation and less time on canceling incorrectly typed orders. Restaurant owners face a staffing shortage that is expected to get worse, and this is a solution to that problem.

These systems provide a transparent overview of what customers love the most, point-of-sale delivery performance, and orders received vs. orders shipped, and more. Based on this, business owners can work on improvements in the areas needed.

3. Use of mobile devices and restaurant-based apps

A growing number of people around the world are now using restaurant-related websites and mobile apps. It is possible to access this software on any mobile device - laptops and tablets. Most orders are placed through mobile apps. With the current pandemic situation, the use of these apps has increased dramatically, primarily for home delivery and take out, rather than in restaurants.

Portable point-of-sale devices are expected to see a surge in demand. These mobile devices help with speedy payment processing, efficient parcel delivery, forwarding digital orders to the kitchen, and more. It also helps the restaurant's working group ensure accuracy, transparency, and ease of operations.

4. Robot chefs and waiters

Recently, the concept of using robots in the kitchen has gained popularity, particularly in the United States. It's impressive to think about how much time a robot in the kitchen can save the chef and his team by taking care of routine tasks, allowing them to focus on more creative or complex tasks. However, robots can only do what humans have programmed them to do, and this means that we can never completely get rid of the need for a human professional chef.

The use of robotics and automation in the restaurant industry has become a hot topic among people and it will contribute to the nation's high unemployment rates. According to restaurant owner John Ha and co-founder of Bear Technologies, "our goal is to automate the hard part of the job" so that employees can concentrate more on customer service.


The year 2020 has shown many new trends, and the year ahead has a lot more to offer. Especially with the ongoing pandemic, these new technological advancements will help the industries to explore further. The days of writing with a pen and paper are long gone. You need to use the right technology in your restaurant to increase operational efficiency and provide the best possible customer service. and more exciting stories.

Get The Secret Recipe to Running a Profitable Restaurant

About Geordy Murphy

From concept developer and restaurant general manager, to corporate chef and marketing director, Murphy has been the lead executive in a number of the country’s most prominent restaurants and bars.Connect with Geordy on geo@cypresshospitalitygroup.com

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