How Technology is Replacing Physical Staff

Written by Brittany Paguni, Account Specialist
Restaurant Technology Advancements

As the world becomes increasingly digital, it's no surprise that the restaurant industry is looking for ways to incorporate technology into its operations. From ordering kiosks to robots that can cook and serve food, it's clear that the days of having physical staff in every aspect of a restaurant's operation may be numbered.

One of the main reasons for this shift is cost. Labor costs are a significant expense for restaurants and automating certain tasks can help to reduce these costs. For example, self-service kiosks can allow customers to place their own orders, which can free up staff to focus on other tasks such as food preparation and table service. Similarly, robots can be used to handle tasks such as flipping burgers or stirring pots of soup, which can help to reduce the need for human staff in the kitchen.

Another benefit of incorporating technology into restaurants is the potential for increased efficiency. With QR codes, for example, customers can simply scan a code to access menus, place orders, and even pay for their meals. This can help to streamline the ordering process, leading to shorter wait times and a more seamless dining experience.

But while the adoption of technology in the restaurant industry may bring some benefits, it also raises questions about the future of employment in the sector. Will the use of robots and other forms of technology lead to widespread job loss? And if so, what will happen to the millions of people who currently work in the industry?

It's worth noting that the use of technology in the restaurant industry is not a new phenomenon. Drive-thru windows, for example, have been around for decades, and they have certainly led to some job loss in the sector. However, they have also created new jobs in the form of cashiers and drive-thru attendants. It's likely that the adoption of new technologies will follow a similar pattern, with some jobs becoming obsolete while others are created.

It’s important for the restaurant industry to consider the potential impacts on its workforce as it incorporates more technology into its operations. While automation can bring efficiency and cost savings, it's crucial to ensure that it does not come at the expense of employees. This may mean providing training and support for those who are affected by the shift towards technology or finding ways to incorporate new technologies in a way that complements rather than replaces human staff.

Ultimately, the adoption of technology in the restaurant industry is a complex issue with no easy answers. While it's clear that technology has the potential to bring significant benefits, it's important for the industry to consider the potential impacts on its workforce and to find ways to incorporate new technologies in a way that is fair and sustainable.

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About Geordy Murphy

From concept developer and restaurant general manager, to corporate chef and marketing director, Murphy has been the lead executive in a number of the country’s most prominent restaurants and bars.Connect with Geordy on

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